Religious coins are those that depict an image of Christ, pay homage to
Christ, or have some other ties to Christianity. Amazingly, these
authentic artifacts are well detailed and nicely preserved. Religious coin jewelry offerings include
coins from the Italian States, Byzantine Empire, and Roman Empire.
Italian States coinage, dating from the Middle Ages, set the standard
for coins for over 700 years and were among the most widely accepted
form of currency in the Mediterranean region.
Byzantine coin offerings also date from the Middle Ages. The popular
gold solidus coin denomination for example, is slightly over 1000 years
old, and is one of the most beautiful religious coins available on the
market today. Other religious coin offerings
include coins from the time period of the Roman Empire and are over 2000
years old, many struck before the birth of Christ.
coins are fascinating historical artifacts and make excellent pieces of jewelry when mounted in a gold bezel.
Certificates of Authenticity accompany all Religious coin jewelry.
View a typical New
World Treasures photo type Certificate of Authenticity. |